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From Therapeutic Swedish massage to Reiki, let Ideal Massage Therapy work with you to develop a treatment plan that helps you heal, relax and recharge.


This massage treatment is ideal for individuals who have a specific problem or are experiencing pain.


With the goal of obtaining physical benefits, therapeutic massage treatment can aid in decreasing fascial restrictions, adhesions, and tissue build up. This type of massage is optimal for addressing /relieving pain, bringing focus to muscle tension, improving posture, injury prevention and gaining joint mobility.


Therapeutic massage uses a variety of techniques and can treat an individual area or the whole body, depending on what your main concern may be.


Deep tissue massage treatment uses slow, deep pressure to decrease pain and increase range of motion, being especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, and sore shoulders. It’s main objectives are, but not limited to:

  • Focusing on a specific problem or injury.

  • Realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue.

  • Beneficial for chronic tension and muscle spasm, headaches and muscle pain.


The recovery time of each client is different; however, you can typically expect to feel sore for up to 48 hours post treatment. This discomfort will gradually fade as muscles adjust to accept the physical change from manipulation of the tissue.


Pregnancy massage relieves many of the normal discomforts during pregnancy, such as backaches, neck stiffness, fatigue, headaches, poor circulation, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, leg cramps, hip and glute pain and tension, swollen ankles and feet. The massage takes place in a side position once the pregnant client is unable to lie face down and the abdomen is fully supported.


Each pregnancy is experienced differently. As such, we can customize your session to target individual needs. Your comfort will be the primary goal as any specific aches or pains are addressed during the treatment.

Cupping is very effective when used in conjunction with massage therapy to help relieve pain, fatigue and loosen muscles and free up movement.


This massage treatment uses cups to create suction and a vacuum like pressure helping draw the connective tissue away from underlying structures. This pressure helps to loosen and free muscles, connective tissue and ligaments from blockages and adhesions.


Promoting and creating an increase in blood flow and opening lymphatic pathways to help the body drain excess fluids and toxins. This treatment can help improve range of motion, decrease fascial adhesions and break up scar tissue.


The aim of this massage treatment is to relax, revive and rejuvenate. Using a combination of Swedish massage techniques and infused with essential oils, this treatment will promote deep relaxation. This massage is ideal for the first-time clients, seasonal or those who are simply seeking to recharge body and mind.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) treatment takes approximately 15 minutes and is combined with a head, face, neck and shoulder massage. Using gloves and working within your comfort level, the therapist manipulates the muscles inside the mouth to release muscle tension and trigger points as well as increase range of motion.


If this is your first time receiving this treatment, it is recommended that you book for 60 minutes to include assessment.


30 minutes  |  $67.50

45 minutes  |  $100

60 minutes  |  $125 

90 minutes  |  $170

(Prices include HST)


© 2024 Ideal Massage Therapy.

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